How do you reform brush tips?
Resharpen Paint Brush? - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists
Have you tried reshaping the brush? Its possible it has lost its point. When a brush is drying you should try to put it back into shape while it is wet, or it can lose its point.
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To reshape the brush, you can purchase some brush restorer. Or you can try gum arabic. Dip the brush and reshape it with your fingers, and finepoint it by rolling the point in your palm. Then hang the brush upside down to dry. Leave it like that for a few days and then soak out the gum arabic or brush restorer.
I think if you go to Rosemary and Co, she has some pointers for reshaping your brushes.
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How I restore paint brushes with stray bristles
Hello friends, its Mindy here. Have you ever had a paint brush get all frayed and frazzled? Well, I have and its pretty frustrating, particularly if the brush is quite new. Art supplies, especially good quality ones, can really add up so its a goal for most of us to make them last. I had just bought this wonderful brush about a week agoon sale, of courseand I had only used it once. Its a tiny brush and its meant for fine, intricate details and I just knew it was going to be perfect for some of the botanical paintings I had in mind to do. I was brimming with excitement about my newest brush. Sorry I dont have a picture of it in all its sparkling brand new glory. I am precious about my supplies but not that precious.
Anyhow, on Saturday while Aspasia and I were in painting class she asked me where her favorite brush was. Interestingly shed really developed a liking for an absolutely awful old brush that most people would probably have tossed ages ago, but she was doing amazing work with it so whatever works. We didnt have it with us, so she asked if she could borrow my new detail brush. I asked her to please treat it gently. It wasnt until we got home later and I was looking though our supplies that I noticed in horror the condition of that brand new brush. I didnt get a picture of it when it was at its worst, but I kid you not, it looked like a dandelion the top is going in all directions. Folks, dont trust your teenagers with your new or favorite brushes or at least not before making sure they know how to properly use and care for them.
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