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Pour Strips and Constructability

Author: Hou

Apr. 29, 2024


Pour Strips and Constructability

In constructing a concrete building with a large foot print and/or post-tensioning, it is often necessary to have pour strips. A pour strip, also known as a closure strip, is a section of concrete slab left open to control shrinkage and elastic shortening; it can also be utilized to provide access for stressing of post-tensioning tendons. Pour strips are usually left open for 30 to 60 days to allow for the initial shrinkage and elastic shortening, and then filled with concrete after that time to complete slab continuity. While a pour strip is not an inherently difficult obstacle to overcome, it often gets pushed aside as the different subcontractors and suppliers involved on a project hesitate to take responsibility for it. If the job is awarded late in the schedule, a lack of planning can paint the reshoring designer into a corner, and adversely affect the construction schedule. This article provides the reader with helpful advice for handling a pour strip from a reshoring designer’s point of view.

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First, it is important to define the problem. Often, pour strips are designed to be fairly narrow; approximately 3 feet to 5 feet wide. This can leave very large slab cantilevers on either side of the pour strip. If the backspan is not designed to support the cantilever, the primary shoring cannot be stripped and, when applied to slabs in multi-story construction, loads from the levels above will accumulate. Thus, the formwork designer and contractor are faced with a backshoring situation. All effected bays will be closed off to other trades until the pour strips are placed and cured. In taller buildings, it is likely that shoring will be so tight in these areas that materials cannot be moved across the floor through these bays. This is a particular problem in urban areas where the building edge may be close to the property line and there is not adequate access around the building perimeter for material movement (Figure 1).

Sometimes, in a multi-story building, the pour strip will not extend through every level and may only be present at lower (larger) levels. In these cases, it is tempting to assume that the backshoring will only be required to carry the floors that have a pour strip. There are many situations that would make that assumption incorrect. The backshoring needs to be stripped from the upper-most level and then down to the lowest level. Therefore, just because the lowest level of pour strip has been poured back does not necessarily mean backshores can be removed once they have been loaded. Another example is if the structure is 9 stories and the pour strip is in the same bay for all nine levels, the lowest level cannot be removed until the 9th level is cast and cured. If the construction sequence averages one floor per week that puts the stripping operations out a minimum of nine weeks, plus the 30 to 60 days the pour strip is required to remain open. This could mean that other trades will not be able to access the lower levels for a minimum of 10 extra weeks.

Additionally, if there is any delay on a pour at any level of backshores, it is possible that a floor above will be poured before all the pour strips have been placed and backshores stripped. The reshoring designer needs to carefully consider these types of situations and communicate closely with the contractor with regards to scheduling, as that is a critical path item. Once a backshore plan has been developed and construction has begun, it is difficult to add backshoring for additional floors. While it can be done, some backshores are preloaded; it is difficult to add backshores to take a similar load and to anticipate how the loads will redistribute.

A better option is to widen the pour strip and balance the backspan so that the large cantilevers will support their self-weight. This will allow the floor to be stripped and reshored without accumulating several floors of dead load. Reshores will extend to slab on grade, as there is no live load capacity in the floors to resist pour loads. Once the formwork under the cantilevers is stripped, then reshores are installed to carry construction loads from upper levels. Having reshores extend to the slab on grade in these areas may limit access in the affected bays, but likely will not close them off entirely. With careful planning, it is often possible for the reshore designer to provide access points through the reshoring to allow other trades to move from one side of the building to another. Please note, if the engineer designs the backspan in this manner, it is imperative to strip the backspan before stripping the cantilevers in order to eliminate the risk of large tip deflections (Figure 2).

The best option for the construction schedule is for the contractor to ask the Engineer of Record to widen the pour strip and balance the post-tensioning forces so that there are short cantilever slabs that will support their self-weight and some live load. This allows the reshoring designer to design the area as he/she does any other reshored area. Other trades will have full access to the floors below. While it is possible to design these cantilevers to support some superimposed live load, it is often not as much as the typical bays; therefore, the reshoring designer should take extra care to only utilize the slab capacity that is actually there. Again, the backspan should be stripped before stripping the cantilevers (Figure 3).

If it is not possible for the pour strip to be widened, then the Engineer of Record has the option of staggering them in different bays at different levels. This is especially effective if the schedule is such that lower floors are poured and have live load capacity to support the cantilever and construction loads from levels above. Using this option, the schedule can often be worked so that the reshores only need to support the loads from one or two poured floors instead of stacking several above each other.

With a little planning, pour strips need not be a major headache for anyone involved on a project. Once a project is awarded to a general contractor, he/she should sit down with the design team and discuss pour strips. The main questions to ask are:

  1. Are the cantilevers on either side of the pour strip self-supporting?
  2. If so, will they support any superimposed live load?
  3. If not, would the Engineer of Record consider widening the pour strip and balancing the backspan so that the cantilevers will carry their self-weight and, ideally, some superimposed live load?

Once these questions have been addressed, the reshoring designer can get involved and construction can commence in an organized fashion without any surprises creeping up on the owner, the contractor, or the other trades as construction progresses.▪

Post tensioned slab blow out 3

Post tensioned slab blow out

Post tensioned slab blow out




26 Jan 05 14:18

I have an 8" post tensioned slab under construction, the contractor called and stated that the slab anchorage area was blown out, it crushed the concrete slab edge for about 3'x5' area.  This happened in 6 hours after stressing.
I have checked the design and it was satisfactory, the end anchorage details were just typical post tensioned slab detail provided by the PT supplier, i.e. backing bars, and some top bars.  The reinforcement was inspected by building inspector before pour.  

In your professional opinion, what would have caused the slab blow out?  Please shed some lights on this, because I am quite nervous under this situation.

Thank you in advance for your kind advice.

RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



26 Jan 05 14:36

LUTEIN:  I assume you are saying that concrete was crushed and/or buckled around one of the post tensioning jack or anchor.  My first guess would be that the concrete was not the right mix or not fully cured or both.  Try to find out what the applied load was.  Is there a concrete coupon available to test?  Was the concrete properly installed ?

I sympathize with yu, I would be nervous also.  I suggest you get to the site as quickly as possible and see for yourself.

Good luck

RE: Post tensioned slab blow out




26 Jan 05 14:40

Thank you very much for your response.
You are correct, the concrete was crushed and/or buckled around one of the post tensioning jack or anchor.

The concrete strength appears to be ok, i.e. 75% strength @ stressing.  

I suspect that the anchor may not be installed exactly @ the mid depth of slab, do you think this might be the problem?

RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



26 Jan 05 16:16

Issues of professional liability are not clearly defined in such instances.  Fingers, typically, will be pointed in order to recover costs for physical damages and contract damages for delays.  But you can be prepared.

1. Lock up all your project files and restrict access.
2. Make a list of all contractors, subs, suppliers, vendors, and inspectors.
3. Notify your insurance carrier.
4. If you’ve working bare, have an attorney review your project files for an opinion of your exposure.
5. Go on-site and photograph the damage and any areas that were successful.  Do not discuss, offer opinions or speculation to anyone while on-site.  If pressed, say you’re looking into the incident.
6. Don’t offer anymore opinions on this forum or any other forums.
7. Notify the owner of the incident – offer no opinions.  Say you’re looking into the incident.
8. Have an outside SE review you project contract, calcs and documents for standard of care.
9. Were you on-site prior to the incident?  If so, review your notes and contacts as well as any opinions expressed and to whom.
10. Try to do everything from this point forward in writing.  If you must talk on the phone or to other directly, make a contact report and keep it with your files.
11. If this becomes a mess consider arbitration rather than litigation.

Don’t be nervous.  Prepare for the worst and expect the best.

RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



26 Jan 05 16:29

LUTEIN:  OLDDOG04 has some good ponts.  Were all the rods tensioned, or was this the first and only?  Is the 75% strength based on tables or is it actually calculated from a coupon?  How far off center is the post tension rod?  Is there other rebar in the slab?  How about the actual applied load as opposed to the specified load?  is the post tensioning system equipment in good condition and claibrated?  Is only onme side dmaged or is the opposite side also damaged? Call me old fashioned, but I still suspect a problem with the concrete and/or the methods.

Out of curiosity what are the parameters such as the concrete area, concrete type/strength, the applied load, the cure time, etc?

Can you post some photos?


RE: Post tensioned slab blow out




26 Jan 05 16:35

Thanks for the advices
I will be on site Friday and take some photos.

RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



26 Jan 05 18:05

This is one more reason for me to dislike post tension.


RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



26 Jan 05 19:32

Lutfi - isn't is something - each of us has a pet peeve structural system that we just can't quite embrace.  Mine is hollow core slab systems.

RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



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Keep in mind proper compaction of concrete around the anchor area is also needed.

RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



26 Jan 05 20:41

I often times think about hundreds of kips of force stored in a cable; what will happen if the strands break up! It would be a night mare.

I don't mind HC at all.I often times think about hundreds of kips of force stored in a cable; what will happen if the strands break up! It would be a night mare.


RE: Post tensioned slab blow out




26 Jan 05 22:47


A common cause of failure is the improper consolidation of concrete in the anchorage zone.  If a honeycomb or rock pocket of concrete is left behind the tendon anchors (either the live or dead end) then obviously the load placed on the anchors will cause the honeycomb or rock pocket to consolidate: concrete failure and tendons either sink in or burst out.  The extent of the failure would be a function of the size of the honeycomb or rock pocket.  Sometimes tendon anchors will not break through honeycombed concrete until the forms are removed from the underside of an elevated slab.

Another common cause of failure is low concrete strength around the anchors.   Just because the cylinder breaks came up to the required 70% does not mean that the slab is the same strength or that concrete strength is the same at the edges as it is in the middle.  If the concrete strength is low and the tendon anchors were placed lower than mid-depth well then you can see that that is going to be a problem.

I’d be looking into how the cylinders used as field breaks were cured to make sure I got results that reflect actual field conditions.  How many yards was the pour?  How many sets of cylinders were made?  Was the concrete tech ACI certified and if not why not?  ACI 318 requires ACI certified techs.  

Also, be on the look out for reverse curvature of the tendons between the low point and the stressing anchor, improperly placed backup bars, and improperly installed tendon anchors (angled instead of perpendicular to EOS).

Inspection by the Building Inspector, how worthless is that?  Is he/she checking everything that an ICC Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector would check, or everything that an ACI Concrete Construction Special Inspector would check, or everything that an Engineer of Record would check?  Probably not.  Is the contractor performing his contractually required QA/QC?  Probably not.  Maybe the owner needs to rethink the required inspections on this project and have qualified, certified, independent inspections prior to placements of concrete.

RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



27 Jan 05 00:40

I would expect the specification for concrete strength at the time of stressing to be 28N/mm2 or 30N/mm2 minimum, especially if this is a standard detail.

Honeycombed concrete, voids or a poorly carried out repair around the cast in anchorage would be the first place to look for a defect.

You don't say if the tendon is a single strand or a number of strands. If a number of strands then the anti-bursting rebar around the anchorage then it should be checked that the correct rebar detail has been used for the system.

Check the prestressing records including the jack calibration to ensure that over stressing was not carried out.

It is also possible that the anchorage was not correctly aligned with the duct, this is more likely to have caused wires to break than the anchorage to fail. However, the forces from a misaligned anchorage/duct are considerable.


RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



27 Jan 05 09:18

One more item to consider along with the advice above is the age of the concrete.  I was taught that the Modulus of Elasticity comes up more slowly than strength.  This is why the post-tensioned bridges in California have a concrete strength and age requirement.  A low E value may lead to all kinds of things.


I've seen the removal of earthquake-damaged spans, and when the P/S strands are cut...  nothing happens.  Most likely becuase they're fully grouted.  Debonded strands/rods may be a different story (that's why you NEVER stand behind the jack or the anchor).  Having seen P/T bridges go up and come down, they're pretty robust so I'm confortable with the system.  Non-bridge applications?  Well,...


RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



27 Jan 05 13:43


I would agree with the majority of the suggested reasons why there was a failure at the anchorage zone. I have seen several situations like this, having been a design engineer for a PT supply/design company. I assume that the PT strand is a 1/2" nominial dia tendon. Most likley your problem was due to the honeycombing behind the anchroage zone as Techmaximus had indicated. Were the tendons banded in the area that blew out, or was it a single tendon? Be sure to have the structure remain shored until repair of the tendon is complete.



RE: Post tensioned slab blow out




27 Jan 05 21:24

Thank you for your very kind and benificial feedbacks - I really appreciate this.
I went to the jobsite and talked to the contractor, and they also admitted that they did see some honeycombing when they start chipping out the slab @ that area.
You guys are good expert on this!
Thanks !!!

RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



28 Feb 05 23:27

The members have provided a great deal of insight as to what might have contributed to your "blow out" problem. I have seen PT contractors use 'field cured cylinders' to determine when PT operations should commence. There can be huge differences between the strength of field cylinders and the concrete member being stressed. Some contractors have a tendency to cure the cylinders alot more favorably than how the concrete is being cured. We had cylinders showing the concrete was 6300 psi, but cores show the strength to be only 4000 psi. Why such a difference? Cold Weather and a lack of protection and winter heat. Concrete does not gain much strength when the ambient temperature gets below zero Celcius. The best solution is to use ASTM C1074 Maturity Systems to more accurately measure the in-situ strength of concrete.

Fred J. Croen, RSM
Engius, LLC
Boston, MA
www: engius.com

RE: Post tensioned slab blow out




1 Mar 05 06:23

This is a very helpful thread and I really appreciate all the inputs, advices, and professional opinions on this blow out condition that I have met.
After a series of site observation on the blow out condition, we have concluded that:
1. This particular blow out on this project was caused by inproper consolidation, because honey-comb and air voids were found on the concrete sample at the blow out area.
2. Due to the congestion of rebars at the anchorage zone, the contractor claimed that it was 'difficult' to perform vibration.
3. Stressing under inssuficient concrete strength 'may' be one of the reasons as well.  Although the test results came out to be satisfactory, but, I totally agreed with Mr.Croen's take on concrete testing method.


RE: Post tensioned slab blow out



29 Apr 05 19:28

Croen, I have one of your intelliRock devices on my desk. I think we are working a job later this fall/winter on which the EOR has specified their use for the exact reasons you mentioned. I'll let you know how they work out.


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