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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Smt Stands for in Electronics

Author: Helen

May. 13, 2024

SMT VS SMD (VS THT): A Comprehensive Guide to ...


The world of electronics is shrinking, demanding ever-smaller and more powerful devices. This miniaturization race hinges on the assembly techniques used: Surface Mount Technology (SMT), Through-Hole Technology (THT), and their key component, Surface Mount Devices (SMDs). These techniques have revolutionized the way electronic devices are manufactured, each with its unique characteristics and applications.

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SMT vs SMD, and THT are not just mere acronyms but represent different approaches to assembling electronic components onto a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). They have their roots in the evolution of electronics manufacturing, driven by the need for efficiency, miniaturization, and cost-effectiveness. Understanding these techniques is crucial as they influence the design, functionality, and reliability of electronic devices.

SMT reigns supreme in high-density, high-volume production, boasting miniaturized components and automated assembly for cost-effectiveness and speed. THT, while less compact, offers easier manual assembly and robust mechanical connections, making it ideal for larger components or prototyping. SMDs, the tiny stars of SMT, contribute to miniaturization and high-frequency performance, but require specialized handling. 

Delving deeper, this guide will unveil the advantages, disadvantages, and ideal applications of SMT vs SMD and THT, empowering you to navigate the exciting world of electronics assembly with confidence. 

Understanding the Basics

In the realm of electronics assembly, three key terms often come to the forefront: Surface Mount Device (SMD), Surface Mount Technology (SMT), and Through-Hole Technology (THT). These are distinct methodologies for assembling electronic components onto a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). Each technique has unique characteristics, applications, and effects on device design, functionality, and reliability. To fully grasp the nuances of electronics assembly, it is essential to understand these terms and the concepts they represent.

SMD (Surface Mount Device)

Surface Mount Devices, commonly known as SMDs, are a type of electronic component that has been designed to be mounted or placed directly onto the surface of PCBs. Unlike traditional components that require wire leads to be inserted into holes drilled in the PCB, SMDs eliminate this need, leading to a more streamlined and efficient assembly process.

Soldering SMD component on Printed Circuit Board

SMDs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from simple resistors, diodes, transistors, and capacitors to more complex integrated circuits. The miniaturization of electronic components has been a significant driver in the development and adoption of SMDs. As devices become smaller and more compact, the need for smaller components that can be mounted on the surface of the PCB becomes increasingly important. Replacing through-hole components with SMDs can reduce board size by up to 60% ~ 70%, allowing for denser, more compact devices. [1]

The use of SMDs offers several advantages in electronics assembly. Firstly, because they are mounted directly onto the surface of the PCB, they allow for a higher component density. This means that more components can be fitted onto a single PCB, enabling the creation of more complex and powerful electronic devices. Secondly, the assembly process for SMDs is typically faster and more automated than for traditional components, leading to increased production efficiency.

However, SMDs also have their drawbacks. Due to their small size, they can be more difficult to handle manually, requiring specialized equipment for placement and soldering. Additionally, they are generally not as robust as traditional components, making them more susceptible to damage from physical stress or high temperatures.

Despite these challenges, the use of SMDs has become increasingly prevalent in modern electronics assembly, driven by the ongoing trend towards miniaturization and the need for efficient, high-density PCB designs.

SMT (Surface Mount Technology)

Surface Mount Technology, or SMT, is a method used in the assembly of electronic devices. It involves mounting electronic components directly onto the surface of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). This is in contrast to older assembly methods, such as Through-Hole Technology (THT), where components were inserted into drilled holes on the PCB.

Surface Mount Technology assembly

SMT is not a type of electronic component, like SMD, but rather a process for attaching components to a PCB. The process begins with the application of solder paste to the PCB. The surface mount components, which could be SMDs, are then placed onto the paste. The assembly is then heated, causing the solder paste to melt and form a mechanical and electrical connection between the component and the PCB. SMT assembly typically involves the use of automated pick-and-place machines, resulting in faster production times and reduced labor costs. [2]

The adoption of SMT has been driven by several advantages it offers over older assembly methods. Firstly, SMT allows for a higher component density, as components can be placed on both sides of the PCB. This enables the creation of smaller, more compact electronic devices. Secondly, the SMT process is highly automated, leading to increased production efficiency and lower manufacturing costs.

However, SMT technology also has its challenges. The process requires precise control of the solder paste application and component placement, necessitating the use of sophisticated equipment. Furthermore, SMT assemblies can be more susceptible to damage from thermal stress due to the smaller size and lower mass of the solder joints.

Despite these challenges, SMT has become the dominant assembly method in modern electronics manufacturing. Its ability to support the ongoing trend towards miniaturization, along with its cost and efficiency benefits, has made it an essential technology in the electronics industry.

THT (Through-Hole Technology)

Through-Hole Technology, often abbreviated as THT, is a method of assembling electronic components where component leads are inserted into drilled holes on a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and then soldered to pads on the opposite side. This method of assembly has been around for many decades and was the standard method of assembly before the advent of Surface Mount Technology (SMT).

Through-Hole Technology Assembly; Source: RaypcbTHT is often used for components that need to withstand physical stress, such as connectors, switches, and large capacitors and inductors. The mechanical bond created by the component lead passing through the PCB and being soldered on the other side is very strong, making THT components more robust than their SMT counterparts. Studies show that THT components can withstand significantly higher pull forces compared to SMT components, making them ideal for applications requiring secure connections. [3]

The process of assembling a PCB using THT involves several steps. First, the PCB is drilled with holes at the locations where the components will be placed. The components are then inserted into these holes, and the excess lead length is trimmed. The PCB is then flipped over, and solder is applied to the leads, creating a mechanical and electrical connection between the component and the PCB.

While THT offers the advantage of robustness, it also has several disadvantages. The process of drilling holes in the PCB adds to the manufacturing cost and time. Additionally, because the components are mounted on one side of the PCB and soldered on the other, THT does not allow for components to be placed on both sides of the PCB, limiting the component density.

Despite these disadvantages, THT continues to be used in many applications where robustness is required or where components are too large or unsuitable for surface mounting. While it has largely been supplanted by SMT in high-volume manufacturing, THT remains an important technique in the electronics assembly toolkit.

Recommended Reading: Guide to PCB Mounting: Techniques, Tips, and Best Practices

Comparing SMD, SMT, and THT

When it comes to electronics assembly, choosing the right method can significantly impact the efficiency of the process and the performance of the final product. Surface Mount Device (SMD), Surface Mount Technology (SMT), and Through-Hole Technology (THT) each have their unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. By comparing these methods based on various parameters, we can gain a deeper understanding of their suitability for different applications.

Comparison Based on Assembly Process

The assembly process is a critical factor to consider when comparing SMD, SMT, and THT. Each of these methods has a distinct process that influences the efficiency, cost, and performance of the assembled product.

In the case of SMD, the components are placed directly onto the surface of the PCB. This process is typically automated, using pick-and-place machines that can accurately place the tiny SMD components at high speed. The use of SMDs allows for a high component density, enabling the creation of compact and powerful electronic devices. However, the small size of SMDs can make them challenging to handle manually, requiring specialized equipment for placement and wave soldering process.

Pick-and-place machine for SMD component mounting

SMT, on the other hand, involves the application of solder paste to the PCB, followed by the placement of components onto the paste. The assembly is then heated, causing the solder paste to melt and form a connection between the component and the PCB. This process is highly automated, leading to increased production efficiency. However, it requires precise control of the solder paste application and component placement, necessitating the use of sophisticated equipment.

THT involves inserting component leads into drilled holes on the PCB and then soldering them to pads on the opposite side. This process creates a strong mechanical bond, making THT components more robust than their SMT counterparts. However, the process of drilling holes in the PCB adds to the manufacturing cost and time. Additionally, THT does not allow for components to be placed on both sides of the PCB, limiting the component density.

In summary, while SMD and SMT offer advantages in terms of component density and production efficiency, THT provides superior robustness. The choice between these methods will depend on the specific requirements of the electronics assembly project.

Comparison Based on Cost

Cost is a significant factor in the choice between SMD, SMT, and THT. Each of these methods has different cost implications, influenced by factors such as equipment requirements, manufacturing time, and component density.

SMD components are typically more expensive than their through-hole counterparts due to their smaller size and the complexity of their manufacturing process. However, the use of SMDs can lead to cost savings in the assembly process. Since SMDs are placed directly onto the surface of the PCB, the assembly process is faster and more efficient, leading to lower labor costs. Additionally, the higher component density achievable with SMDs can result in smaller PCBs, reducing material costs.

SMT Machine as a Production Line, Source: Flason

The SMT assembly process, while requiring a significant initial investment in sophisticated pick-and-place machines and reflow ovens, can lead to substantial cost savings in the long run. The high degree of automation in the SMT process reduces labor costs and increases production speed, allowing for higher volumes of production. [4] Furthermore, the ability to place components on both sides of the PCB can lead to smaller, more compact devices, reducing material costs.

In contrast, THT has higher assembly costs due to the time-consuming process of drilling holes in the PCB and manually inserting and soldering components. However, THT components themselves are typically cheaper than SMDs, and the equipment required for THT assembly is less expensive than that for SMT. Despite these cost advantages, the lower component density and slower production speed of THT make it less cost-effective for high-volume production.

In conclusion, while SMD and SMT may have higher initial costs, they can lead to cost savings in the long run due to their efficiency and high component density. On the other hand, THT, despite its lower initial costs, may be less cost-effective for high-volume production due to its slower assembly process and lower component density.

Comparison Based on Performance and Reliability

Performance and reliability are critical considerations in electronics assembly. The choice between SMD, SMT, and THT can significantly impact these aspects.

SMD components, due to their small size, can offer superior performance in high-frequency applications. The shorter leads and smaller sizes reduce parasitic inductance and capacitance, which can degrade performance at high frequencies. However, the small size of SMDs can also make them more susceptible to damage from physical shock or thermal stress, potentially impacting reliability.

The SMT assembly process, with its high degree of automation, can lead to consistent and high-quality assemblies. The solder paste used in SMT forms both a mechanical and electrical connection, providing good performance. However, the reliability of SMT assemblies can be impacted by factors such as the quality of the solder paste application and the accuracy of component placement. Furthermore, SMT assemblies can be more susceptible to damage from thermal stress due to the smaller size and lower mass of the solder joints.

Conventional assembly of THT assembly components; Source: newmatikTHT, on the other hand, provides a very robust mechanical connection, as the component leads pass through the PCB and are soldered on the other side. This makes THT assemblies highly resistant to physical shock and thermal stress, enhancing reliability. However, the longer leads and larger component size can lead to increased parasitic inductance and capacitance, potentially degrading performance in high-frequency applications.

In conclusion, while SMD and SMT can offer superior performance, particularly in high-frequency applications, THT provides superior robustness and reliability. The choice between these methods will depend on the specific performance and reliability requirements of the electronics assembly project.

Recommended Reading: Types of SMD Components: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing Between SMD, SMT, and THT

The choice between Surface Mount Device (SMD), Surface Mount Technology (SMT), and Through-Hole Technology (THT) depends on a variety of factors. These include the specific requirements of the electronics assembly project, the performance and reliability needs, the cost considerations, and the production volume. Each of these methods has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and understanding these can help in making an informed choice.

Factors to Consider

When choosing between SMD, SMT, and THT, several factors need to be considered. These include the nature of the electronic device being assembled, the performance requirements, the production volume, and the cost considerations.

The nature of the electronic device is a critical factor. For instance, if the device needs to be compact and lightweight, SMD and SMT would be the preferred choice due to their high component density. On the other hand, if the device needs to withstand physical stress or operate in harsh environments, THT would be a better choice due to its robustness. [5]

Performance requirements also play a significant role. For high-frequency applications, SMD and SMT are typically preferred due to their shorter leads and smaller size, which reduce parasitic inductance and capacitance. However, for applications where robustness and reliability are paramount, THT would be the preferred choice.

Production volume is another important consideration. For high-volume production, SMT is often the preferred choice due to its high degree of automation, which leads to increased production efficiency. However, for low-volume or prototype production, THT might be more suitable due to its lower equipment requirements.

Finally, cost considerations play a crucial role. While SMD and SMT might have higher initial costs, they can lead to cost savings in the long run due to their efficiency and high component density. On the other hand, while THT might have lower initial costs, it might be less cost-effective for high-volume production due to its slower assembly process and lower component density.

Case Studies

To illustrate the considerations in choosing between SMD vs SMT, and THT, let's look at a couple of case studies.

Case Study 1: High-Volume Consumer Electronics

Consider a company producing a high-volume consumer electronic device, such as a smartphone. The device needs to be compact and lightweight, and the company needs to produce millions of units per year. In this case, SMD and SMT would likely be the preferred choice. The high component density of SMD and SMT allows for the creation of compact and powerful devices. The high degree of automation in the SMT assembly process enables high production volumes. While the initial costs for SMD components and SMT equipment might be higher, the efficiency and high production volume can lead to cost savings in the long run.

Case Study 2: Industrial Control Systems

Now consider a company producing industrial control systems. These systems need to operate reliably in harsh environments and withstand physical stress. The production volume is lower, and the size of the system is not a critical factor. In this case, THT would likely be the preferred choice. The robustness of THT assemblies makes them suitable for harsh environments. The lower equipment requirements and the ability to handle manual assembly make THT a cost-effective choice for low-volume production.

These case studies illustrate how the specific requirements of an electronics assembly project can influence the choice between SMD, SMT, and THT. It's important to consider all relevant factors, including the nature of the device, performance requirements, production volume, and cost considerations, to make an informed choice.

Recommended Reading: Through Hole vs Surface Mount: Unveiling the Optimal PCB Assembly Technique


In the world of electronics assembly, understanding the differences between Surface Mount Device (SMD), Surface Mount Technology (SMT), and Through-Hole Technology (THT) is crucial. Each method has its unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages, which can significantly impact the efficiency, cost, performance, and reliability of the final product. By considering factors such as the nature of the electronic device, performance requirements, production volume, and cost considerations, you can make an informed choice between SMD, SMT, and THT for your specific electronics assembly project.


Q: What is the main difference between SMD and SMT?

A: SMD (Surface Mount Device) refers to the electronic components designed to be mounted directly onto the surface of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). SMT (Surface Mount Technology) is the process of attaching these components to the PCB using solder paste and reflow soldering.

Q: How does THT differ from SMT?

A: THT (Through-Hole Technology) is an older assembly method where component leads are inserted into drilled holes on a PCB, vias and soldered to pads on the opposite side of the board. SMT, on the other hand, involves mounting components directly onto the surface of the PCB using solder paste.

Q: When should I choose SMT over THT?

A: SMT is generally preferred for high-volume production, compact and lightweight devices, and high-frequency applications due to its higher component density, automation, and reduced parasitic inductance and capacitance. However, THT might be a better choice for applications requiring robustness, reliability, and the ability to withstand harsh environments.

Q: Are SMD components more expensive than through-hole components?

A: SMD components are typically more expensive than their through-hole counterparts due to their smaller size and the complexity of their manufacturing process. However, the use of SMDs can lead to cost savings in the assembly process due to their higher component density and more efficient assembly.

Q: Can THT and SMT be used together on the same PCB?

A: Yes, THT and SMT can be used together on the same PCB. This is known as mixed technology assembly and is often employed when certain components require the robustness of THT, while others benefit from the high component density and efficiency of SMT.


[1] PCBWay. Advantages and Disadvantages of Surface Mount Packages [Cited 2024 February 08] Available at: Link

[2] Hillmancurtis. SMT ASSEMBLY FOR PCB MANUFACTURING: 9 ESSENTIAL FACTS TO UNDERSTAND [Cited 2024 February 08] Available at: Link

[3] pcba-manufacturers. THT PCB – the only guide you need [Cited 2024 February 08] Available at: Link

[4] Flason. What is SMT production line? [Cited 2024 February 08] Available at: Link

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[5] Raypcb. SMD vs THT vs SMT: What Are The Differences [Cited 2024 February 08] Available at: Link

The Ultimate Guide to SMT and PCB Assembly Techniques

Surface Mount Technology (short for SMT) plays a very important role in the Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) assembly industry nowadays. These advancements have adjusted the design and production of electronic devices, coming about in more efficient, more viable, less expensive and feature-rich items. We will analyze the history, applications, process, advantages, key qualifications, and the developing area of ​​electronic assembly as we dive deeply into the complexity of PCB assembly and SMT assembly.

A Brief History of PCB, PCB assembly and SMT Assembly

Efficiency and functionality characterize the process involved in the manufacture of circuit boards for PCBs and an assembly for SMT. We can start with a look at the history of how these technologies came into existence.

The Origins of PCBs

The use of point-to-point wiring is where the concept of a printed circuit board (PCB) was first made available in the early 20th century. Labor-intensive, susceptible to errors, and limited in its circuit complexity. Here comes Paul Eisler, an Austrian engineer who invented the first authentic PCB in 1936. He created one of the forefathers of the PCB using copper foil on any non-conducting substrate for making connections.

The Rise of SMT Assembly

Electronic manufacture was previously dominated by through-hole technology before SMT assembly. Nevertheless, the need for smaller and more compact devices led to the development of SMT assembly in the 1960s. Notably, IBM created the structural multithreading (SMT) used in such electronic products. They invented a revolutionary process where they stuck tiny parts on top of PCB without holes.

Understanding PCB Assembly

PCB Components

A PCB typically comprises several essential components:

  • PCB base material: Base laminate and prepreg used in PCB production, such as fiberglass (FR-4), aluminium, ceramic, polyimide, PTFE.

  • Conductive Traces: Copper foil designs scratched onto the substrate make electrical pathways.

  • Components: Resistors, capacitors, incorporated circuits, connectors, etc. are mounted on the PCB.

  • Surface finishes: A thin layer of metal to cover the pads from oxidation before PCB assembly.

  • Solder Mask: A defensive layer that covers the conductive follows, leaving just connection points uncovered.

  • Silkscreen: Recognizing markings like part names and values for gathering and upkeep.

The PCB Assembly Process

PCB assembly involves several key steps:

  • Design: Engineers create the diagram, PCB layout (better Gerber format) and BOM list

  • Component Procurement: All necessary electronic components are sourced, such as resistors, capacitors, IC chips, connectors, etc. We also consider PCB bare board as one type of components

  • Solder Paste Printing: Print a thin layer of solder onto the surface (pads) of the PCB bare board with an SMT stencil.

  • Component Placement: SMT pick & place machine places components accurately on the PCB.

  • Reflow Soldering: The PCB enters a high-temperature oven (usually with 8-12 temperature zones), where solder paste melts, creating permanent connections.

  • Quality Control: Rigorous testing ensures proper functionality and adherence to specifications, such as AOI testing, visual inspection, functional testing., etc.

Applications of PCB Assembly

PCB assembly is ubiquitous in electronics, serving in a wide range of applications:

  • Consumer Electronics: From LED and lighting, TVs, wearable devices, and smartphones to laptops, PCBs power everyday gadgets.

  • Medical Devices: The electronic control devices used on medical equipment always need to be high quality and highly precise, so they rely on precision

    : The electronic control devices used on medical equipment always need to be high quality and highly precise, so they rely on precision PCB assembly

  • Automotive Electronics: Modern cars contain numerous PCBs for control, safety and entertainment systems.

  • Industrial Automation: PCBs drive robotics and automation devices to achieve automatic production.

  • Aerospace and defense: PCBs are a dependency that defines critical systems, such as those in aircraft and military equipment. Very high-tech PCB materials, such as polyimide, PTFE, high TG, and high-frequency materials, are used in such applications.

  • Energy and power: PCBs play an important role in energy and power electronics, especially in the new energy industry, which includes solar panels, wind electricity generators, and electronic vehicles.

Understanding SMT Assembly

  • SMT assembly boasts a different set of components compared to traditional through-hole assembly:

  • Surface-Mount Components: These smaller ones also have small, flat leads or even without leads, which can be placed directly at the surface of PCB boards.

  • Solder Paste: It is a kind of muddy solder which can be adhered to the PCB pads.

  • Stencils: Accurate application of solder paste is achieved by using precision-cut stencils as solder masks.

  • Reflow Soldering: Soldering happens through this step as it melts the solder paste to ensure strong joints. A reflow oven with 8-12 temperature zone is needed.

The SMT assembly Process

The SMT assembly process differs significantly from traditional assembly:

  • Solder paste printing: Print solder paste on the PCB pads with a stencil.

  • Component Placement: SMT components are placed by automated machines using a great accuracy pick & place machine.

  • Reflow Soldering: Then, the PCB undergoes a reflow oven, which causes meltdown of the solder paste into liquid forms of solder joints.

  • Inspection and Testing: Quality assurance is delivered by AOI, visual inspection, functional testing and others.

Advantages of SMT Assembly

SMT assembly offers many advantages:

  • Size and Weight Reduction: SMT components are smaller and lighter which suit miniature and little devices.

  • Higher Component Density: The absence of holes allows for tighter component placement, expanding circuits and functions in a small PCB.

  • Cost Effectiveness: Diminished physical work and high speed and high efficiency make SMT assembly more conservative.

  • Improved Performance: A high-accuracy pick and place machine can always place the small SMD components on the PCB pads correctly, which can greatly improve the quality compared to PTH soldering with component plug by hand.

Key Differences and Choosing the Right Method

PTH Assembly vs. SMT Assembly

  • Parts: PTH assembly used the components with leads. In contrast, SMT assembly uses just surface-mount parts. But usually, PCB assembly accommodates both through-hole and SMT parts.

  • Size and Density: SMT gathering succeeds in miniaturization and part thickness. PTH need a bigger size since PTH holes are needed.

  • Cost and Productivity: SMT assembly is often more practical and proficient for high-volume creation. PTH is usually suitable for prototypes since it can be soldered by hand.

  • Flexibility: PTH assembly is adaptable and can be done by one person.  However, SMT assembly need a pick-and-place machine, a reflow oven and experienced workers.

Choosing the Right Method

The choice between PTH assembly and SMT assembly depends on your project’s specific needs. But nowadays, both PTH and SMT assembly are used in the PCB assembly process usually.

  • PTH Assembly: Ideal for prototypes, low-volume creation, or components that need very robust usage, such as connectors that need to plug in and out frequently.

  • SMT assembly: Preferred for high-volume production, scaled-down plans, and applications where execution and space are critical.

The Future of PCB and SMT Assembly

As technology advances, so does the world of PCB assembly and SMT assembly. The future promises exciting developments:

  • Miniaturization: Smaller, more remarkable components will continue to demand SMT assembly.

  • More advanced equipment: More functions and smaller PCBs are needed, so more advanced equipment is needed to place very small components such as 01005.

  • High-level smaller materials: Advancements in materials will improve PCB execution, so components can be smaller.

  • Automation and artificial intelligence: Brilliant assembling methods will smooth out production further and increase efficiency.

  • Environmental Considerations: Sustainable practices will turn out to be progressively significant.


When it comes to electronics manufacturing, PCB and SMT assembly stand as a demonstration of human ingenuity and our tireless quest for advancement. These advances have formed the cutting edge world, empowering the making of once unbelievable products. Whether you pick PTH assembly for its adaptability or SMT assembly for its effectiveness in your PCB assembly demands, understanding their assets and applications is significant in the present high-speed electronics industry. As we look forward, what’s to come holds considerable additional thrilling prospects, and PCBs and SMT assemblies will without a doubt assume a critical part in forming it.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Wholesale Smt Conveyor.





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