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Your Position: Home - Heat Insulation Materials - Chapter 7 Fire and Smoke Protection Features

Chapter 7 Fire and Smoke Protection Features

Author: Daisy

Jul. 02, 2024

Chapter 7 Fire and Smoke Protection Features

MATERIALITEM NUMBERCONSTRUCTIONMINIMUM FINISHED THICKNESS FACE-TO-FACEb (inches)4 hours3 hours2 hours1 hour1-1.2Hollow brick, not filled. brick unit wall, grout or filled with perlite vermiculite or expanded shale aggregate." nominal thick units at least 75 percent solid backed with a hat-shaped metal furring channel 3/4" thick formed from 0.021" sheet metal attached to the brick wall on 24" centers with approved fasteners, and 1/2" Type X gypsum wallboard attached to the metal furring strips with 1"-long Type S screws spaced 8" on center.&#;&#;5d&#;2. Combination of clay brick and load-bearing hollow clay tile2-1.14" solid brick and 4" tile (at least 40 percent solid).&#;8&#;&#;2-1.24" solid brick and 8" tile (at least 40 percent solid).12&#;&#;&#;3. Concrete masonry units3-1.1f, gExpanded slag or pumice., gExpanded clay, shale or slate., cinders or air-cooled slag., gCalcareous or siliceous gravel. concrete. Glazed or unglazed facing tile, nonload-bearing5-1.1One 2" unit cored 15 percent maximum and one 4" unit cored 25 percent maximum with 3/4" mortar-filled collar joint. Unit positions reversed in alternate courses.&#;63/8&#;&#;5-1.2One 2" unit cored 15 percent maximum and one 4" unit cored 40 percent maximum with 3/4" mortar-filled collar joint. Unit positions side with 3/4" gypsum plaster. Two wythes tied together every fourth course with No. 22 gage corrugated metal ties.&#;63/4&#;&#;5-1.3One unit with three cells in wall thickness, cored 29 percent maximum.&#;&#;6&#;5-1.4One 2" unit cored 22 percent maximum and one 4" unit cored 41 percent maximum with 1/4" mortar-filled collar joint. Two wythes tied together every third course with 0.030" (No. 22 galvanized sheet steel gage) corrugated metal ties.&#;&#;6&#;5-1.5One 4" unit cored 25 percent maximum with 3/4" gypsum plaster on one side.&#;&#;43/4&#;5-1.6One 4" unit with two cells in wall thickness, cored 22 percent maximum.&#;&#;&#;45-1.7One 4" unit cored 30 percent maximum with 3/4" vermiculite gypsum plaster on one side.&#;&#;41/2&#;5-1.8One 4" unit cored 39 percent maximum with 3/4" gypsum plaster on one side.&#;&#;&#;41/26. Solid gypsum plaster6-1.13/4" by 0.055" (No. 16 carbon sheet steel gage) vertical cold-rolled channels, 16" on center with 2.6-pound flat metal lath applied to one face and tied with 0.049" (No. 18 B.W. Gage) wire at 6" spacing. Gypsum plaster each side mixed 1:2 by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.&#;&#;&#;2d6-1.23/4" by 0.05" (No. 16 carbon sheet steel gage) cold-rolled channels 16" on center with metal lath applied to one face and tied with 0.049" (No. 18 B.W. gage) wire at 6" spacing. Perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster each side. For three-coat work, the plaster mix for the second coat shall not exceed 100 pounds of gypsum to 21/2 cubic feet of aggregate for the 1-hour system.&#;&#;21/2d2d6-1.33/4" by 0.055" (No. 16 carbon sheet steel gage) vertical cold-rolled channels, 16" on center with 3/8" gypsum lath applied to one face and attached with sheet metal clips. Gypsum plaster each side mixed 1:2 by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.&#;&#;&#;2d6-2.1Studless with 1/2" full-length plain gypsum lath and gypsum plaster each side. Plaster mixed 1:1 for scratch coat and 1:2 for brown coat, by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.&#;&#;&#;2d6-2.2Studless with 1/2" full-length plain gypsum lath and perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster each side.&#;&#;21/2d2d6-2.3Studless partition with 3/8" rib metal lath installed vertically adjacent edges tied 6" on center with No. 18 gage wire ties, gypsum plaster each side mixed 1:2 by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.&#;&#;&#;2d7. Solid perlite and Portland cement7-1.1Perlite mixed in the ratio of 3 cubic feet to 100 pounds of Portland cement and machine applied to stud side of 11/2" mesh by 0.058-inch (No. 17 B.W. gage) paper-backed woven wire fabric lath wire-tied to 4"-deep steel trussed wirej studs 16" on center. Wire ties of 0.049" (No. 18 B.W. gage) galvanized steel wire 6" on center vertically.&#;&#;31/8d&#;8. Solid neat wood fibered gypsum plaster8-1.13/4" by 0.055-inch (No. 16 carbon sheet steel gage) cold-rolled channels, 12" on center with 2.5-pound flat metal lath applied to one face and tied with 0.049" (No. 18 B.W. gage) wire at 6" spacing. Neat gypsum plaster applied each side.&#;&#;2d&#;9. Solid wallboard partition9-1.1One full-length layer 1/2" Type X gypsum wallboarde laminated to each side of 1" full-length V-edge gypsum coreboard with approved laminating compound. Vertical joints of face layer and coreboard staggered at least 3".&#;&#;2d&#;10. Hollow (studless) gypsum wallboard partition10-1.1One full-length layer of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboarde attached to both sides of wood or metal top and bottom runners laminated to each side of 1"× 6" full-length gypsum coreboard ribs spaced 2" on center with approved laminating compound. Ribs centered at vertical joints of face plies and joints staggered 24" in opposing faces. Ribs may be recessed 6" from the top and bottom.&#;&#;&#;21/4d10-1.21" regular gypsum V-edge full-length backing board attached to both sides of wood or metal top and bottom runners with nails or 15/8" drywall screws at 24" on center. Minimum width of rumors 15/8". Face layer of 1/2" regular full-length gypsum wallboard laminated to outer faces of backing board with approved laminating compound.&#;&#;45/8d&#;11. Noncombustible studs-interior partition with plaster each side11-1.131/4" × 0.044" (No. 18 carbon sheet steel gage) steel studs spaced 24" on center. 5/8" gypsum plaster on metal lath each side mixed 1:2 by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.&#;&#;&#;43/4d11-1.233/8" × 0.055" (No. 16 carbon sheet steel gage) approved nailablek studs spaced 24" on center. 5/8" neat gypsum wood-fibered plaster each side over 3/8" rib metal lath nailed to studs with 6d common nails, 8" on center. Nails driven 11/4" and bent over.&#;&#;55/8&#;11-1.34" × 0.044" (No. 18 carbon sheet steel gage) channel-shaped steel studs at 16" on center. On each side approved resilient clips pressed onto stud flange at 16" vertical spacing, 1/4" pencil rods snapped into or wire tied onto outer loop of clips, metal lath wire-tied to pencil rods at 6" intervals, 1" perlite gypsum plaster, each side.&#;75/8d&#;&#;11-1.421/2" × 0.044" (No. 18 carbon sheet steel gage) steel studs spaced 16" on center. Wood fibered gypsum plaster mixed 1:1 by weight gypsum to sand aggregate applied on 3/4-pound metal lath wire tied to studs, each side. 3/4" plaster applied over each face, including finish coat.&#;&#;41/4d&#;12. Wood studs interior partition with plaster each side12-1.1l, m2" × 4" wood studs 16" on center with 5/8" gypsum plaster on metal lath. Lath attached by 4d common nails bent over or No. 14 gage by 11/4" by 3/4" crown width staples spaced 6" on center. Plaster mixed 1:11/2 for scratch coat and 1:3 for brown coat, by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.&#;&#;&#;51/812-1.2l2" × 4" wood studs 16" on center with metal lath and 7/8" neat wood-fibered gypsum plaster each side. Lath attached by 6d common nails, 7" on center. Nails driven 11/4" and bent over.&#;&#;51/2d&#;12-1.3l2" × 4" wood studs 16" on center with 3/8" perforated or plain gypsum lath and 1/2" gypsum plaster each side. Lath nailed with 11/8" by No. 13 gage by 19/64" head plasterboard blued nails, 4" on center. Plaster mixed 1:2 by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.&#;&#;&#;51/412-1.4l2" × 4" wood studs 16" on center with 3/8" Type X gypsum lath and 1/2" gypsum plaster each side. Lath nailed with 11/8" by No. 13 gage by 19/64" head plasterboard blued nails, 5" on center. Plaster mixed 1:2 by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.&#;&#;&#;51/413. Noncombustible studs-interior partition with gypsum wallboard each side13-1.10.018" (No. 25 carbon sheet steel gage) channel-shaped studs 24" on center with one full-length layer of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboarde applied vertically attached with 1" long No. 6 drywall screws to each stud. Screws are 8" on center around the perimeter and 12" on center on the intermediate stud. The wallboard may be applied horizontally when attached to 35/8" studs and the horizontal joints are staggered with those on the opposite side. Screws for the horizontal application shall be 8" on center at vertical edges and 12" on center at intermediate studs.&#;&#;&#;27/8d13-1.20.018" (No. 25 carbon sheet steel gage) channel-shaped studs 25" on center with two full-length layers of 1/2" Type X gypsum wallboarde applied vertically each side. First layer attached with 1"-long, No. 6 drywall screws, 8" on center around the perimeter and 12" on center on the intermediate stud. Second layer applied with vertical joints offset one stud space from first layer using 15/8" long, No. 6 drywall screws spaced 9" on center along vertical joints, 12" on center at intermediate studs and 24" on center along top and bottom runners.&#;&#;35/8d&#;13-1.30.055" (No. 16 carbon sheet steel gage) approved nailable metal studse 24" on center with full-length 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboarde applied vertically and nailed 7" on center with 6d cement-coated common nails. Approved metal fastener grips used with nails at vertical butt joints along studs.&#;&#;&#;47/814. Wood studs-interior partition with gypsum wallboard each side14-1.1h, m2" × 4" wood studs 16" on center with two layers of 3/8" regular gypsum wallboarde each side, 4d coolern or wallboardn nails at 8" on center first layer, 5d coolern or wallboardn nails at 8" on center second layer with laminating compound between layers, joints staggered. First layer applied full length vertically, second layer applied horizontally or vertically.&#;&#;&#;514-1.2l, m2" × 4" wood studs 16" on center with two layers 1/2" regular gypsum wallboarde applied vertically or horizontally each sidek, joints staggered. Nail base layer with 5d coolern or wallboardn nails at 8" on center face layer with 8d coolern or wallboardn nails at 8" on center.&#;&#;&#;51/214-1.3l, m2" × 4" wood studs 24" on center with 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboarde applied vertically or horizontally nailed with 6d coolern or wallboardn nails at 7" on center with end joints on nailing members. Stagger joints each side.&#;&#;&#;43/414-1.4l2" × 4" fire-retardant-treated wood studs spaced 24" on center with one layer of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboarde applied with face paper grain (long dimension) parallel to studs. Wallboard attached with 6d coolern or wallboardn nails at 7" on center.&#;&#;&#;43/4d14-1.5l, m2" × 4" wood studs 16" on center with two layers 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboarde each side. Base layers applied vertically and nailed with 6d coolern or wallboardn nails at 9" on center. Face layer applied vertically or horizontally and nailed with 8d coolern or wallboardn nails at 7" on center. For nail-adhesive application, base layers are nailed 6" on center. Face layers applied with coating of approved wallboard adhesive and nailed 12" on center.&#;&#;6&#;14-1.6l2" × 3" fire-retardant-treated wood studs spaced 24" on center with one layer of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboarde applied with face paper grain (long dimension) at right angles to studs. Wallboard attached with 6d cement-coated box nails spaced 7" on center.&#;&#;&#;35/8d15. Exterior or interior walls (continued)15-1.1l, mExterior surface with 3/4" drop siding over 1/2" gypsum sheathing on 2" × 4" wood studs at 16" on center, interior surface treatment as required for 1-hour-rated exterior or interior 2" × 4" wood stud partitions. Gypsum sheathing nailed with 13/4" by No. 11 gage by 7/16" head galvanized nails at 8" on center. Siding nailed with 7d galvanized smooth box nails.&#;&#;&#;Varies15-1.2l, m2" × 4" wood studs 16" on center with metal lath and 3/4" cement plaster on each side. Lath attached with 6d common nails 7" on center driven to 1" minimum penetration and bent over. Plaster mix 1:4 for scratch coat and 1:5 for brown coat, by volume, cement to sand.&#;&#;&#;53/815-1.3l, m2" × 4" wood studs 16" on center with 7/8" cement plaster (measured from the face of studs) on the exterior surface with interior surface treatment as required for interior wood stud partitions in this table. Plaster mix 1:4 for scratch coat and 1:5 for brown coat, by volume, cement to sand.&#;&#;&#;Varies15-1.435/8" No. 16 gage noncombustible studs 16" on center with 7/8" cement plaster (measured from the face of the studs) on the exterior surface with interior surface treatment as required for interior, nonbearing, noncombustible stud partitions in this table. Plaster mix 1:4 for scratch coat and 1:5 for brown coat, by volume, cement to sand.&#;&#;&#;Variesd15-1.5m21/4" × 33/4" clay face brick with cored holes over 1/2" gypsum sheathing on exterior surface of 2" × 4" wood studs at 16" on center and two layers 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboarde on interior surface. Sheathing placed horizontally or vertically with vertical joints over studs nailed 6" on center with 13/4" × No. 11 gage by 7/16" head galvanized nails. Inner layer of wallboard placed horizontally or vertically and nailed 8" on center with 6d coolern or wallboardn nails. Outer layer of wallboard placed horizontally or vertically and nailed 8" on center with 8d coolern or wallboardn nails. All joints staggered with vertical joints over studs. Outer layer joints taped and finished with compound. Nail heads covered with joint compound. 0.035 inch (No. 20 galvanized sheet gage) corrugated galvanized steel wall ties 3/4" by 65/8" attached to each stud with two 8d coolern or wallboardn nails every sixth course of bricks.&#;&#;10&#;15-1.6l, m2" × 6" fire-retardant-treated wood studs 16" on center. Interior face has two layers of 5/8" Type X gypsum with the base layer placed vertically and attached with 6d box nails 12" on center. The face layer is placed horizontally and attached with 8d box nails 8" on center at joints and 12" on center elsewhere. The exterior face has a base layer of 5/8" Type X gypsum sheathing placed vertically with 6d box nails 8" on center at joints and 12" on center elsewhere. An approved building paper is next applied, followed by self-furred exterior lath attached with 21/2", No. 12 gage galvanized roofing nails with a 3/8" diameter head and spaced 6" on center along each stud. Cement plaster consisting of a 1/2" brown coat is then applied. The scratch coat is mixed in the proportion of 1:3 by weight, cement to sand with 10 pounds of hydrated lime and 3 pounds of approved additives or admixtures per sack of cement. The brown coat is mixed in the proportion of 1:4 by weight, cement to sand with the same amounts of hydrated lime and approved additives or admixtures used in the scratch coat.&#;&#;81/4&#;15-1.7l, m2" × 6" wood studs 16" on center. The exterior face has a layer of 5/8" Type X gypsum sheathing placed vertically with 6d box nails 8" on center at joints and 12" on center elsewhere. An approved building paper is next applied, followed by 1" by No. 18 gage self-furred exterior lath attached with 8d by 21/2" long galvanized roofing nails spaced 6" on center along each stud. Cement plaster consisting of a 1/2" scratch coat, a bonding agent and a 1/2" brown coat and a finish coat is then applied. The scratch coat is mixed in the proportion of 1:3 by weight, cement to sand with 10 pounds of hydrated lime and 3 pounds of approved additives or admixtures per sack of cement. The brown coat is mixed in the proportion of 1:4 by weight, cement to sand with the same amounts of hydrated lime and approved additives or admixtures used in the scratch coat. The interior is covered with 3/8" gypsum lath with 1" hexagonal mesh of 0.035 inch (No. 20 B.W. gage) woven wire lath furred out 5/16" and 1" perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster. Lath nailed with 11/8" by No. 13 gage by 19/64" head plasterboard glued nails spaced 5" on center. Mesh attached by 13/4" by No. 12 gage by 3/8" head nails with 3/8" furrings, spaced 8" on center. The plaster mix shall not exceed 100 pounds of gypsum to 21/2 cubic feet of aggregate.&#;&#;83/8&#;15-1.8l, m2" × 6" wood studs 16" on center. The exterior face has a layer of 5/8" Type X gypsum sheathing placed vertically with 6d box nails 8" on center at joints and 12" on center elsewhere. An approved building paper is next applied, followed by 11/2" by No. 17 gage self-furred exterior lath attached with 8d by 21/2" long galvanized roofing nails spaced 6" on center along each stud. Cement plaster consisting of a 1/2" scratch coat, and a 1/2" brown coat is then applied. The plaster may be placed by machine. The scratch coat is mixed in the proportion of 1:4 by weight, plastic cement to sand. The brown coat is mixed in the proportion of 1:5 by weight, plastic cement to sand. The interior is covered with 3/8" gypsum lath with 1" hexagonal mesh of No. 20 gage woven wire lath furred out 5/16" and 1" perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster. Lath nailed with 11/8" by No. 13 gage by 19/64" head plasterboard glued nails spaced 5" on center. Mesh attached by 13/4" by No. 12 gage by 3/8" head nails with 3/8" furrings, spaced 8" on center. The plaster mix shall not exceed 100 pounds of gypsum to 21/2 cubic feet of aggregate.&#;&#;83/8&#;15-1.94" No. 18 gage, nonload-bearing metal studs, 16" on center, with 1" Portland cement lime plaster [measured from the back side of the 3/4-pound expanded metal lath] on the exterior surface. Interior surface to be covered with 1" of gypsum plaster on 3/4-pound expanded metal lath proportioned by weight-1:2 for scratch coat, 1:3 for brown, gypsum to sand. Lath on one side of the partition fastened to 1/4" diameter pencil rods supported by No. 20 gage metal clips, located 16" on center vertically, on each stud. 3" thick mineral fiber insulating batts friction fitted between the studs.&#;&#;61/2d&#;15-1.10Steel studs 0.060" thick, 4" deep or 6" at 16" or 24" centers, with 1/2" Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) on the exterior surface. GFRC is attached with flex anchors at 24" on center, with 5" leg welded to studs with two 1/2"-long flare-bevel welds, and 4" foot attached to the GFRC skin with 5/8" thick GFRC bonding pads that extend 21/2" beyond the flex anchor foot on both sides. Interior surface to have two layers of 1/2" Type X gypsum wallboard.e The first layer of wallboard to be attached with 1"-long Type S buglehead screws spaced 24" on center and the second layer is attached with 15/8"-long Type S screws spaced at 12" on center. Cavity is to be filled with 5" of 4 pcf (nominal) mineral fiber batts. GFRC has 11/2" returns packed with mineral fiber and caulked on the exterior.&#;&#;61/2&#;15-1.11Steel studs 0.060" thick, 4" deep or 6" at 16" or 24" centers, respectively, with 1/2" Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) on the exterior surface. GFRC is attached with flex anchors at 24" on center, with 5" leg welded to studs with two 1/2"-long flare-bevel welds, and 4" foot attached to the GFRC skin with 5/8"-thick GFRC bonding pads that extend 21/2" beyond the flex anchor foot on both sides. Interior surface to have one layer of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboarde, attached with 11/4"-long Type S buglehead screws spaced 12" on center. Cavity is to be filled with 5" of 4 pcf (nominal) mineral fiber batts. GFRC has 11/2" returns packed with mineral fiber and caulked on the exterior.&#;&#;&#;61/815-1.12q2" × 6" wood studs at 16" with double top plates, single bottom plate; interior and exterior sides covered with 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard, 4' wide, applied horizontally or vertically with vertical joints over studs, and fastened with 21/4" Type S drywall screws, spaced 12" on center. Cavity to be filled with 51/2" mineral wool insulation.&#;&#;&#;63/415-1.13q2" × 6" wood studs at 16" with double top plates, single bottom plate; interior and exterior sides covered with 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard, 4' wide, applied vertically with all joints over framing or blocking and fastened with 21/4" Type S drywall screws, spaced 12" on center. R-19 mineral fiber insulation installed in stud cavity.&#;&#;&#;63/415-1.14q2" × 6" wood studs at 16" with double top plates, single bottom plate; interior and exterior sides covered with 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard, 4' wide, applied horizontally or vertically with vertical joints over studs, and fastened with 21/4" Type S drywall screws, spaced 7" on center.&#;&#;&#;63/415-1.15q2" × 4" wood studs at 16" with double top plates, single bottom plate; interior and exterior sides covered with 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard and sheathing, respectively, 4' wide, applied horizontally or vertically with vertical joints over studs, and fastened with 21/4" Type S drywall screws, spaced 12" on center. Cavity to be filled with 31/2" mineral wool insulation.&#;&#;&#;43/415-1.16q2" × 6" wood studs at 24" centers with double top plates, single bottom plate; interior and exterior side covered with two layers of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard, 4' wide, applied horizontally with vertical joints over studs. Base layer fastened with 21/4" Type S drywall screws, spaced 24" on center and face layer fastened with Type S drywall screws, spaced 8" on center, wallboard joints covered with paper tape and joint compound, fastener heads covered with joint compound. Cavity to be filled with 51/2" mineral wool insulation.&#;&#;8&#;15-2.1d35/8" No. 16 gage steel studs at 24" on center or 2" × 4" wood studs at 24" on center. Metal lath attached to the exterior side of studs with minimum 1" long No. 6 drywall screws at 6" on center and covered with minimum 3/4" thick Portland cement plaster. Thin veneer brick units of clay or shale complying with ASTM C, Grade TBS or better, installed in running bond in accordance with Section .10. Combined total thickness of the Portland cement plaster, mortar and thin veneer brick units shall be not less than 13/4". Interior side covered with one layer of 5/8" thick Type X gypsum wallboard attached to studs with 1" long No. 6 drywall screws at 12" on center.&#;&#;&#;615-2.2 d35/8" No. 16 gage steel studs at 24" on center or 2" × 4" wood studs at 24" on center. Metal lath attached to the exterior side of studs with minimum 1" long No. 6 drywall screws at 6" on center and covered with minimum 3/4" thick Portland cement plaster. Thin veneer brick units of clay or shale complying with ASTM C, Grade TBS or better, installed in running bond in accordance with Section .10. Combined total thickness of the Portland cement plaster, mortar and thin veneer brick units shall be not less than 2". Interior side covered with two layers of 5/8" thick Type X gypsum wallboard. Bottom layer attached to studs with 1" long No. 6 drywall screws at 24" on center. Top layer attached to studs with 15/8" long No. 6 drywall screws at 12" on center.&#;&#;67/8&#;15-2.3d35/8" No. 16 gage steel studs at 16" on center or 2" × 4" wood studs at 16" on center. Where metal lath is used, attach to the exterior side of studs with minimum 1" long No. 6 drywall screws at 6" on center. Brick units of clay or shale not less than 25/8" thick complying with ASTM C216 installed in accordance with Section .6 with a minimum 1" air space. Interior side covered with one layer of 5/8" thick Type X gypsum wallboard attached to studs with 1" long No. 6 drywall screws at 12" on center.&#;&#;&#;77/815-2.4d35/8" No. 16 gage steel studs at 16" on center or 2" × 4" wood studs at 16" on center. Where metal lath is used, attach to the exterior side of studs with minimum 1" long No. 6 drywall screws at 6" on center. Brick units of clay or shale not less than 25/8" thick complying with ASTM C216 installed in accordance with Section .6 with a minimum 1" air space. Interior side covered with two layers of 5/8" thick Type X gypsum wallboard. Bottom layer attached to studs with 1" long No. 6 drywall screws at 24" on center. Top layer attached to studs with 15/8" long No. 6 drywall screws at 12" on center.&#;&#;81/2&#;16. Exterior walls rated for fire resistance from the inside only in accordance with Section 705.5.16-1.1q2" × 4" wood studs at 16" centers with double top plates, single bottom plate; interior side covered with 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard, 4" wide, applied horizontally unblocked, and fastened with 21/4" Type S drywall screws, spaced 12" on center, wallboard joints covered with paper tape and joint compound, fastener heads covered with joint compound. Exterior covered with 3/8" wood structural panels, applied vertically, horizontal joints blocked and fastened with 6d common nails (bright) &#; 12" on center in the field, and 6" on center panel edges. Cavity to be filled with 31/2" mineral wool insulation. Rating established for exposure from interior side only.&#;&#;&#;41/216-1.2q2" × 6" wood studs at 16" centers with double top plates, single bottom plate; interior side covered with 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard, 4" wide, applied horizontally or vertically with vertical joints over studs and fastened with 21/4" Type S drywall screws, spaced 12" on center, wallboard joints covered with paper tape and joint compound, fastener heads covered with joint compound, exterior side covered with 7/16" wood structural panels fastened with 6d common nails (bright) spaced 12" on center in the field and 6" on center along the panel edges. Cavity to be filled with 51/2" mineral wool insulation. Rating established from the gypsum-covered side only.&#;&#;&#;69/-1.3q2" × 6" wood studs at 16" centers with double top plates, single bottom plates; interior side covered with 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard, 4" wide, applied vertically with all joints over framing or blocking and fastened with 21/4" Type S drywall screws spaced 7" on center. Joints to be covered with tape and joint compound. Exterior covered with 3/8" wood structural panels, applied vertically with edges over framing or blocking and fastened with 6d common nails (bright) at 12" on center in the field and 6" on center on panel edges. R-19 mineral fiber insulation installed in stud cavity. Rating established from the gypsum-covered side only.&#;&#;&#;61/2

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