5 Things to Know Before Buying Flood Discharge Gate
Mar. 03, 2025
Frequently Asked Questions - Flood Control
Harris County's Flooding History
A major flood occurs somewhere in Harris County about every two years. Most of the flooding is in areas developed prior to the current understanding of flood potential and prior to regulations restricting construction in flood-prone areas.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website IWHR.
Flooding and Floodplains
Did you know that everyone lives in a flood zone? You don't need to live near water to be flooded. Learn more about the ways that geography and the environment affect your flood risk and get information about the Harris County drainage network.
Bond Program
On August 25, , Harris County voters approved $2.5 billion in bonds to finance flood damage reduction projects. This additional funding, together with other funding sources, supports a wide variety of recovery and resiliency initiatives.
Capital Improvement Program
Capital projects include those major projects that reduce flooding risks and damages by increasing stormwater conveyance capacity in bayous and drainage channels, or by excavating stormwater detention basins. Stormwater detention basins reduce flooding risks and damages during heavy rain events by safely storing excess stormwater and slowly releasing it back to the bayou when the threat of flooding has passed.
Maintenance Programs
Along with mowing and routine maintenance of the countys 2,500 miles of channel, dozens of stormwater detention basins and thousands of buyout lots, the Flood Control District conducts major maintenance to repair damage caused by storms and erosion.
Additional Programs
The Flood Control Districts activities have diversified since its creation in . From tree planting and environmental programs to Voluntary Home Buyouts and more, these additional programs help the Flood Control District fully meet its mission.
Storm Center
Stay informed and prepared! Whenever the forecast calls for possible heavy rainfall, Houston and Harris County residents are urged to monitor weather conditions, and to pay close attention to road conditions on their daily travel routes.
Interactive Mapping Tools
Interactive Mapping Tools keep the residents of Harris County and the City of Houston informed, help Flood Control District employees do their jobs and, most importantly, help us fulfill our mission to provide flood damage reduction projects that work, with appropriate regard for community and natural values.
Contact Us
Send us your comments and questions, sign up for news and alerts, report an issue, request service, or just let us know how we're doing.
Press Room
Stay informed with the latest news and public announcements from the Flood Control District. In addition to formal press releases, you can also follow us on social media for project status updates, flood watch advisories, and more.
Work With Us
Prospective job seekers as well as contractors and consultants will find all the tools they need. You can search for open positions and access resources for working with the Flood Control District, here.
Learn MoreHome buyouts are used by the Flood Control District to reduce flood damages in areas several feet deep in the floodplain where flood damage reduction projects, like channel improvements or storm water detention basins, are not cost effective and/or beneficial. The Flood Control Districts Home Buyout Program does not provide immediate flood recovery assistance its primary function is to help mitigate future flood damages. While some grant funds may be made available after a disaster declaration, these buyout grants do not provide immediate flood recovery assistance. In other words, buyouts are intended to prevent future flood damages.
The Flood Control Districts jurisdiction covers all of Harris County and includes the bayous, creeks, and smaller waterways that feed in the bayous within the County. Street drainage systems, culverts, and roadside ditches typically fall outside of the Flood Control Districts Jurisdiction.
Grants are available through two separate federal grantors: The US Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. There is a complex process associated with applying for these funds, and any local governmental entity may apply for funding. The Flood Control District is one of many local governmental entities that is eligible to apply for Community Block Development Grants, as well as grants through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program.
Home buyout programs typically take eight to twelve months to even get started, and then may take place over a period of many years following a flood event. The Flood Control District is attempting to expedite the home buyout process by working with local, state, and federal representatives.
All of these structures are eligible for buyout. The program currently assigns a higher priority to residential structures because of interests in the health, safety, and welfare of the residents who are at risk and have nowhere else to live.
The buyout program includes a planning process to guide decisions about proper use of the remaining land. Once property is purchased in a buyout, all structures are removed, the utilities are capped and the ground is leveled. The land is usually allowed to return to its natural state, and it remains as open space, such as parks, vacant lots, or wetlands. As a deed restriction through the Federal Emergency Management Agency and as part of their grant requirements, property purchased by the Flood Control District can never again be developed as private property.
Flood Prevention Guide - Vasalta
Household flood prevention is not easy.
But it is possible.
It all starts with preparation.
Being prepared for emergency flooding greatly decreases the chances of flood water damages to your home.
So how do you protect your home from flooding?
A good way to start is by identifying what areas of your home are most susceptible to intrusive flood water. In this article, we identify some of the common places in a home that floodwater tends to enter.
In this article, we identify some of the common places in a home that floodwater tends to enter.
Common household entry points for intrusive floodwater:
Garages are one of the most flood-prone areas of a home. The reason being is that the garage door sits flush with the driveway concrete, making it an easy target for intrusive floodwater. Furthermore, concrete is porous and often uneven, which makes it even easier for water to enter.
Our recommendation and most cost effective solution?
Use a combination of self-inflating sandbags and poly-plastic sheeting to secure the entire length of your garage door. Wondering where to buy sandbags?
First, lay down the poly plastic and fold it about 12" high up the garage door. Then, lay the sandbags on the poly.
Refer to this guide on how to properly stack sandbags to create a water dam.
Many of us have doorways leading out of the ground-level and basements of our home.
Unfortunately, this is one of the most common points of floodwater entry and a big culprit of basement flooding. If your home has a walkout basement patio, preparing a means to flood-proof this door is extremely important.
The problem with many doors is the lack of a water-proof seal at the bottom, which is the same reason we get drafts of air through our homes.
Your options?
- Buy a flood proof door (effective, but expensive).
- Use household materials, ie. plastic sheeting, to seal the doorway (Inexpensive, but less effective).
- Use flood barriers, sandbags, sandless sandbags, etc. (Affordable & conventional). Click here for sandbag delivery right to your door.
Foundation Cracks
It is no surprise that household basements are the most flood-prone areas of the home.
Some common causes of a flooded basement includes: leaky basement windows, improper sealing on basement floors and walls, plumbing leaks, damaged water supply line, and improperly installed downspouts.
That is why you want to make sure to thoroughly and carefully inspect your basement and its foundation to identify areas where floodwater could potentially seep through.
Our recommendation:
Before entering, evaluate how much water there is in the basement.
If the basement is flooded with water, do not step foot inside because it could be dangerous if any electrical appliances come into contact with the water.
Call a professional for additional assistance instead.
To aid flood protection and mitigate water damage, install and use sandless sandbags as a quick solution to absorb, block and divert water before it has the chance to get to the level that could come into the basement.
Foundation Cracks
The foundation cracks allow cold air and moisture to enter your home. This can cause harm to the walls, floors, and electrical systems of your home.
The impact of rapid flow of water to your home weakens the structure of your home.
Large cracks in the foundation can cause your home to become unstable, resulting in a risk of collapse.
Our recommendation:
Once again, we suggest sandbags for flooding and poly wraps to secure the base of your house. Not only are they cost-effective, but they are also an extremely reliable way to cover any cracks and gaps in the foundation.
Internal Sources
Aside from external flooding, basement flooding from internal sources like damaged water heaters and burst pipes must also be considered.
Be sure to check your boiler room and have a plan to isolate it should emergency indoor flooding occur. For indoor flooding, a number of great products exist.
Check out this list of the best flood barriers (our Quik-Response Self-Expanding Sandbags are on the list).
Looking for sandbags for sale in Canada?
Household flood prevention starts with you.
Being prepared and identifying ways to protect problematic areas of your home will minimize the chances of expensive floodwater damages to your home.
Visit our blog for more flood prevention tips !
Having your own business is a capstone achievement that one can pursue in his/her life.
Large amounts of money and time are invested to ensure that the business will be viable and operate smoothly in both the short & long term.
As such, it makes sense to safeguard this investment.
The bad news?
Your Business is Constantly At Risk!
Believe it or not, around 3,785 businesses in Canada were affected by floods in .
The interesting thing to note is that flooding does not occur only in the area near rivers or the coasts, but it can happen anywhere.
Therefore, flooding is considered an urgent issue, and deserves your attention to ensure the safety of your business.
You might not be aware that only one inch of flood water can create immense damage to your business.
It affects not only your physical business settings such as buildings, factories, or warehouses, but also impairs the ability to operate your business and causes a delay in operation. Delay in operation means delay in serving your customers and generating revenue.
There are also additional expenses required to repair and get your business back to normal operation. As a result, a plan must be put in place to prepare your business for an unexpected natural disaster.
How Can Water Enter Your Home or Business?
1. Sewer backup
Sewer backup occurs when the normal flow of wastewater from your property to the city's sanitary sewer becomes blocked. There are a number of factors that contribute to sewage backup:
- Overwhelmed sewage system caused by rainwater and melted snow
- Old/ faulty sewage system
- A cracked sewer lateral pipe (connects your home to the city's sewage line)
- Broken/cracked sewage line
- Tree roots puncturing sewage lines
- Blockages in city sewage mains
- Plumbing blockages
- Sump pump failure
2. Overland Flooding
- Riverine Heavy rainfall or spring snow melt causes rivers or creeks to overflow.
- Pluvial Heavy rainfall in neighborhoods or downtowns can be too much for storm systems to handle in cities & rural areas. This can cause ground flooding due to over saturated soils that are unable to absorb rainfall.
- Groundwater Heavy rainfall causes underground water levels to rise above ground level and rain over land.
- Ice Jam River ice breaks and jams in spring causing rivers to backup and flood.
- Storm Surge Heavy winds force waves inland from a body of water.
- Tidal Wave/Tsunami An earthquake offshore forces a large wall of water onshore.
These are the most common ways that floodwater will enter your home or business.
The question is ...
How Can You Protect Your Business From A Flood water Disaster?
Create Flood Protection Plan for Your Business
It is best to prepare an emergency plan for your business to cope with unexpected flooding in your area.
The plan is not complex and does not require a large amount of time to prepare. We recommend the following preparations for your flood protection plan.
- Determine a flood-prone area in your business such as the front door of warehouses, office building, or entrance of factories.
- Prepare a flood barrier that can easily and quickly be deployed to protect these vulnerable areas and prevent intrusive floodwater from entering your business.
- Be prepared for the worst case scenario (e.g. high level of flood water) and identify an exit route to ensure the safety of everyone in the building.
Deploy Preventative Measures
There are several ways that you can protect your business from flooding.
However, you should keep in mind that your flood protection solutions should be easy to use, quick to deploy, and do not require too much storage space.
We have gathered some flood protection tools for you to choose from depending on your business needs.
Water-Activated Sandbags
Self-expanding sandbags are a water-activated alternative to traditional sandbags.
They require no sand, no setup, and can be deployed 6x faster than normal sandbags, making them an ideal water dam choice for business owners looking to prevent intrusive water damage.
Flood Gates
Flood gates are normally installed to protect your business entrance.
The size and height of flood gates varies depending on your business's entrance points.
These gates come in both portable and permanent options to choose from. This portable option can be setup in less than 15 minutes.
Sump Pumps
Purchasing or leasing a sump pump is another great way to protect your business. It is ideal to connect your pump to the battery backup, so it can immediately start pumping flood water during power outages. It is ideal to regularly check your backup power system to ensure that it is working properly.
Purchase Overland Flood Insurance
Overland flood insurance can help insure losses from a water-damaged business.
The water must be caused from intrusive floodwater that enters through doors & windows or was caused by storm water, overflowing lakes, rivers or ponds.
Usually, overland flood protection is not included in a normal home insurance policy, so be sure to inquire about it with your insurance provider.
Follow these steps, and you can minimize losses to your businesses caused by flooding disasters!
For more information on protecting your property, check out our flood blog!
Are you interested in learning more about Flood Discharge Gate? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!
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What is a flood wall?
A flood wall is used to stop the flow of intrusive floodwater and direct it away from a property.
Most commonly, flood walls are made from stacking sandbags.
Sandbags offer simple & effective flood protection, but only if you stack them properly.
Remember, the idea of sandbagging is to divert water away your property, not to create a dam.
Attempting to stop the flow of water dead in its tracks is a losing battle.
Keep that in mind when considering the angle of your sandbag barrier.
What is the correct way to build a sandbag flood barrier?
First, you're going to need to fill and tie a bunch of 3/4-full sandbags.
If using sandless sandbags, you can skip this step.
Next, lay the first bag parallel to the expected flow of water and debris, then lay the next bag over the fold of the first bag so that they partially overlap with each other.
Stamp them down firmly with your knees as you repeat the process of laying each sandbag. Compressing the sand and flattening the sandbag will create a tighter seal.
If using sandless, self-expanding sandbags, you can skip this step. The gel-polymer in sandless sandbags automatically forms a tight seal.
A single-width sandbag wall works well in most situations, but should not be stacked higher than 3 units-tall (About 1 foot in height).
If youre dealing with more water than that, its best to use the pyramid stacking method.
To create a pyramid berm, determine the height and length of your desired pyramid wall.
Then use this handy tool to determine how many sandbags you need to build your wall.
Once you've determined how many bags you need, roll up your sleeves and begin filling & tying the required number of sandbags.
It's quite a time-consuming process, so grab 2 or 3 friends to lend you a hand.
If using sandless sandbags, you can skip this step because these sandbags require no filling or tying.
As mentioned before, don't aim to stop the flow of water, but rather use your sandbag wall to divert the flow of water away from your property.
If you're working in a confined space & unable to divert the flow of water, you'll have to take extra precautions to prevent the water from pooling-up and flowing into the foundation of your home.
To do this, you'll need a roll of polypropylene plastic:
Tape the poly-plastic sheeting to climb at least two feet up the wall of the building you are trying to protect.
Then, stack the sandbags tightly against the poly and fold the excess under the sandbags. You can also thread the poly-wrap vertically through your sandbag wall for even tighter protection.
Once again, if using sandless sandbags, this step isn't necessary. The gel-polymer inside these sandbags forms a much tighter seal than normal sand-filled sandbags.
Additional Tips & Tricks:
Filling & tying sandbags is time consuming, so be proactive, have all of your dike-building supplies on hand and begin construction BEFORE the flooding occurs.
Use this calculator to see how long does it take to fill sandbags.
Failing to build your water dam wall in time can result in thousands of dollars in damages to your property. Use this flood water damage cost calculator to see how much.
It's not easy to predict when a flood will strike.
If you're worried about not setting up your sandbag barrier in time, use Quik-Response self-expanding sandbags. They require no filling or tying and can be deployed in minutes by one or two individuals.
Use polyethylene sheeting that is at least 5 mm thick.
If your dike is going to be taller than three-feet high, you can strengthen it by digging a trench one-sandbag deep and laying your first layer of bags in the trench.
Remove any debris between your dike and the ground before building. This will ensure a tight seal and stop water from seeping through the barrier.
Follow these instructions and you can successfully prevent water and debris from damaging your property.
Want to know more about household water damage?
These are 6 things that every Canadian homeowner should know.
Woven Polypropylene
Woven Polypropylene is a surprisingly light-weight yet strong material. These durable, circular, woven polypropylene bags are UV stabilized, weaved, and sewn tightly.
Because polypropylene is made of tightly woven fabric, it prevents sifting which keeps the sand inside the bag. Also, they are puncture resistant.
They provide an economical solution for flood mitigation and erosion control. However, they are not biodegradable and therefore must be disposed of properly.
Polypopylene is most often used for commercial purposes such as highway barriers, including many other traffic and construction applications.
In stores, they are sold in bales of , weighing around 40 pounds when filled with sand and can hold up to 50 pounds of water.
If you are looking for a strong, durable sandbag material, look into Nylon.
Nylon sandbags are made of urethane. Urethane makes nylon sandbags highly efficient for water repellent and dust control. It also has double stitched seams which contribute to its durability.
Although they are not as robust as polypropylene sandbags, nylon sandbags have a puncture strength of up to p.s.i. and can also hold up to 50 pounds in capacity.
Its extreme water repellent capability makes it a great choice for indoor flood control use.
Burlap/ Jute
Burlap/ Jute bags are often the most commonly used sandbags since they are easily accessible and low in cost.
Burlap/ Jute bags are organic, eco-friendly, and 100% biodegradable sandbags. Its stitching and ties make them extremely durable and strong.
This material also lasts through strenuous weather conditions exceptionally well and is able to absorb water and allow airflow at the same time.
Jute is often a go-to choice for outdoor flood protection, such as traffic control, local roads, and the garage of homes.
If burlap/ jute sandbags are properly stored, they can be used several years later.
Burlap/ jute sandbags are also able to hold up to 50 pounds of water and form an ideal water dam.
High- Density Polyethylene (HDP)
Sandbags made of high- density polyethylene are very long-lasting. High- density polyethylene plastic is extremely strong allowing it to retain a lot of liquid without distorting its original shape.
They are also weather resistant and capable of carrying extreme weight while remaining flexible.
The heavy- duty material also allows the sandbags to be UV protected enabling the sandbags to last 1-2 years compared to traditional sandbags where they only last up to 6 months.
High-density Polyethylene sandbags can hold up to 70 pounds of water and are mainly used for erosion and flood control.
Remember, QUIK-RESPONSE is activated by the presence of water.
Pre-activate your units in the following ways:
Submerge bags in water for 3-5 minutes. (Recommended)
Flooding often occurs near rivers, lakes & coasts.
You can use this water to pre-activate your Quik-Response units.
If at home, use a Tupperware tote or any other basin filled with a few gallons of water.
Hose down bags until fully expanded
Most of us have a hose or water spout located outside of our homes. Hosing down Quik-Response takes a little longer than the submersing the bags, but it is one of the most convenient methods .
Simply turn on your hose and evenly wet each unit of Quik-Response until complete activation is achieved.
If a sufficient amount is available, use on-site floodwater to activate bags
As mentioned before, if using this method, be sure that there is a sufficient amount of water present for the bags to activate and the flood current isn't strong enough to carry away the un-activated units.
Remember, proactive preparations is key for successully protecting a proeprty from flooding.
Likewise, a flood barrier is only effective if it is built in-place BEFORE the flooding occurs.
Follow the above steps and pre-activate your Quik-Response sandless sandbags!
What is a sump pump?
A sump pump protects your home from flooding resulting from heavy rains, rising waters, overland flooding, and even internal flooding sources - leaking/burst pipes, a catastrophic washing machine failure, or a drainage backup that leaves behind enormous repair costs and structural damages. It's important to know which of the different types of sumps pumps best fits your needs.
How does a sump pump work?
Sump pumps move water from your basement out of your home. A sump is a naturally constructed pit, typically a hole carved below the main surface of your basement floor. This pit holds the pump. The pump is equipped with valves that sense rising water levels or pressure. When the water gets too high, sump pumps automatically pump excess water out of the basement and away from your property using a discharge line. This line connects the sump pump to a designated drainage area located far away from the building.
Where should a sump pump drain to?
Sump pump water discharges to a designated area, such as a dry well, a creek or pond, or even a neighbourhood drain. Be careful not to set your drain point somewhere that water will return to your home. Ideally, keep the pump 10 to 20 feet away from the foundation. Some cities have building codes that determine where your sump pump can drain, so it is always best to check.
Submersible sump pumps
Submersible pumps contain the pump and motor in one unit. They sit submerged and closed inside a basin in your basement. Because submersible pumps are completely submerged in the water basin, they are often quieter, save space in your basement, and clog less than a pedestal.
Pedestal sump pumps
Unlike a submersible sump pump, a pedestal sump pump consists of a separate motor and pump. The motor sits on a pedestal above the basin, with a hose running to the hole where the pump is placed. Because the motor is not submerged, it often has a higher lifespan than other sump pumps and can be accessed easier for maintenance issues. However, it also means it can be louder and take up more space than the submersible pump.
Battery-operated backup
A battery backup pump is a great way to provide some extra security from flood damage. A battery backup with a float switch allows your sump pump to operate even when your power is out during a storm when you need it the most. If your power goes out during a storm, your sump pump will also lose power. If you live in an area where you lose power frequently, a battery backup is a good idea.
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