What does a stripping machine do?
Jul. 15, 2024
According to various sources, a stripping machine specializes in removing insulation from wire, allowing for the recovery of valuable metal like copper and aluminum. This task is essential for maximizing profits from scrap wire, as stripped metal can sell for significantly higher prices than insulated wire.
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What is a wire stripping machine? And why you need one?
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In this Q&A we will discuss frequently asked questions about what is a wire stripping machine and why you should consider buying one?
by Joe Williams
What is a wire stripping machine?
A wire stripping machine is a specialized tool for recovering copper or aluminum from scrap wire. These machines effectively remove plastic, rubber, or PVC insulation, leaving behind a pure copper or aluminum core. Typically, they operate by slicing through the insulation using a blade or knife while an electric motor pulls the wire through the machine. Depending on the wire's thickness and condition, the operator may peel the wire manually or rely on the insulation to simply fall away.
Why should you strip scrap wire?
The primary reason for stripping scrap wire is that it can increase the wire's resale value. Stripped wire can be nearly three times more valuable than insulated wire, enabling significant profit margins for those who salvage and sell scrap metal.
What kind of wire can you strip with a wire stripping machine?
Wire stripping machines can handle a variety of wire types including THHN, Romex cable, house wire, extension cords, power main cables, appliance cords, welding cables, battery cables, industrial wires, and computer cables. You can process wire as thin as 20 AWG up to 4-inch diameter cables based on the specific capabilities of the wire stripping machine.
How long is the payback period for a wire stripping machine?
When you strip insulation from scrap wire, what remains is referred to as bare bright copper, which can fetch anywhere from $2 to $3 per pound depending on the market. If you have a steady flow of scrap wire, the payback period for a machine can be remarkably quick; some users report recovering their investment in just a few hours of operation.
Factors such as the amount of scrap wire being processed and its thickness will directly impact your profit margin and the speed of the payback period.
How much is stripped wire worth?
Generally, the core wire material commands a good price and can be sold to scrapyards or recycling centers for around $2 to $3 per pound for bare bright copper and $0.50 to $1.00 per pound for stripped aluminum. To further explore the value of stripped copper wire, refer to this article.
A wire not stripped is categorized as either #1 or #2 insulation, which fetches significantly lower prices—often only about a quarter to half of the value of stripped copper. This emphasizes the importance of utilizing a wire stripping machine.
Please explain the difference between wire stripping machines?
Wire stripping machines generally fall into three main categories:
For users with low volumes of scrap wire to strip:
Drill Powered or Hand Crank:
Single Blade Design - BWS-25
Multi Feed Design - BWS-38-MF-DA
These machines are ideal for those processing small amounts of scrap wire infrequently, making them cost-effective but requiring either a drill for powered operation or manual cranking.
For users with low to medium volumes of scrap wire to strip:
Motor Powered Wire Stripping Machine:
Single Blade Design - BWS-60
Multi Feed Design - BWS-38-MOTOR, BWS-50 MF, BWS-50 SAR
Single Blade machines are effective but may require adjustments based on the wire size, which can be cumbersome. Conversely, Multi Feed machines offer automatic size adjustment for different wire gauges, making them perfect for efficient wire stripping.
For clients with a high volume of scrap wire, an Industrial grade wire stripping machine will help you process scrap wire the fastest and most efficiently.
Industrial Wire Stripping Machine - These machines are designed for heavy-duty cable processing and can strip insulation from cables up to 4 inches in diameter efficiently.
Available models include BWS-80 HD and BWS-100v2.
How to get the best price for scrap copper wire
Who can benefit from a wire stripping machine?
Electricians, electrical contractors, demolition crews, scrap yards, recycling centers, electronic recyclers, military facilities, construction teams, and salvage workers can all benefit from using a wire stripping machine, especially if they frequently deal with scrap wire.
Where can you buy a quality wire stripping machine?
The premier source for wire stripping machines is Bluedog wire strippers. For over a decade, they have provided high-quality machines and spare parts to meet diverse operational needs.
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In conclusion:
We hope you found this article enlightening regarding wire stripping machines and the reasons to consider purchasing one. A wire stripping machine is not only a financial asset but can also prevent physical strain on hands associated with manual stripping. Additionally, it contributes positively to recycling efforts by keeping scrap wire out of landfills while enhancing profitability.
Check out our range of wire stripping machines to find the perfect fit for your needs.
Recommended wire stripping machine to strip scrap copper wire:
BWS-100v2 Industrial wire stripping machine
Contact us to discuss your requirements for a pvc gloves machine. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the best options for your needs.
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